Sometimes it seems that security guards get a bad rep, either on the silver screen or on the TV. It’s as if when someone thinks of security guards, they immediately conjure an image of someone sluggish, someone sitting in a little telephone booth and doing a crossword puzzle, nonchalantly letting people go by.
Basically, a vast majority of us confuse security guards with mall cops (and we’re by no means demeaning mall cops here) and that’s a grave mistake, because security guards are an essential and ultra-important part of making the world turn and ensuring special events and/or important public figures stay safe.
All you have to do is take a look at the news regarding the pope’s visit to the States, as reported by WPVI. They report, “Philadelphia is hiring help for the pope’s visit next month. A job fair began on Wednesday morning, with up to 100 temporary security jobs up for grabs. The company, U.S. Security Associates, is holding the job fair. Many of those in attendance are hoping a temporary job will lead to something permanent.”
Not only will these men and women provide protection for arguably one of the most important people on the planet in a historical event, they may also acquire permanent employment because of it. Those are the many pluses of the security industry; it helps ensure we can enjoy special, historical moments without worrying about our safety, or worrying about things spiraling out of control because of a few bad eggs.
The security guards, if hired, would primarily provide crowd control during the event and, if they do a good enough job, they may turn that into a full-time gig. Think of security as the glue that holds everything together; it holds the personal AND the historical together.
Contact COP Security Inc. to see how we can provide security for you!