Sometimes it seems that security guards get a bad rep, either on the silver screen or on the TV. It’s as if when someone thinks of security guards, they immediately conjure an image of someone sluggish, someone sitting in a little telephone booth and doing a crossword puzzle, nonchalantly letting people go by. Basically, a… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Security guards for hire
The Importance of Security in Today’s World
We live in a crazy world. Well, that might be a bit of an understatement; it’s crazier than a bunch of bats in the belfry. Flipping on the TV or checking your Facebook newsfeed, you are usually greeted by a harrowing news story that shakes your soul and gets you questioning everything all around you…. Read more »
Why Businesses Should Have a Safety Buffer In Place
We’ve become a society where you can’t feel too comfortable leaving your doors unlocked all the time and letting anybody just wander through the doors and inside your building. On the news you hear horror stories all the time about deranged people attacking others when they make their way into places like offices, schools, and… Read more »
How to Prevent Shoplifters From Damaging Your Bottom Line
If you own or manage a store, you know that one successful shoplifter can ruin your day, if not your business depending on how much he or she steals. That said, there are some things you can do to deter and/or stop shoplifting. Regarding store design, don’t give people a chance to easily walk out… Read more »
Reasons to Hire Security Guards For Your Business
In order to attract quality personnel to your business, it’s essential that you provide employees with a work environment they can feel safe in. After all, who wants to go to work each day and worry about strangers entering their workspace or about other undesirable issues arising? One way to ensure your employees feel safe… Read more »