Shopping centers should beef up their security during the holiday season because it’s prime time for lots of shoppers with money in their pockets to make their way there. Consequently, with increased foot traffic comes increased opportunity for something to go awry. Plus, opportunistic shoplifters love the extra traffic because it takes attention off them…. Read more »
Posts By: barton_secure
How to Become More Observant of Your Surroundings
Do you know someone who is the type of person who seemingly never notices anything going on around them? It’s like they’re oblivious to their surroundings. Obviously security guards cannot be that type of person. Security guards need to be the most observant people in a room or an area because that is one of… Read more »
Reasons to Have a Security Guard in Commercial Buildings
As the world seemingly gets more violent, you’ve probably noticed you have to check in with a security guard when entering or exiting a building, store, airport or other public place more and more these days. Anyone who watches the news or keeps tab on news’ websites knows that violence at workplaces where a wide… Read more »
Tips for Staying Alert While on a Security Job
As humans, sometimes we get bored or tired and need to sleep. However, many of us have jobs where we shouldn’t doze off– ever–because it could put someone else in danger. Take, for instance, the job of security guard. They need to be wide awake and always alert on the job. So what are some… Read more »
Examining the Important Role of Professional Security Guards
A professional security guard is not a police officer, but their role does involve keeping people and property safe from harm. Generally, the role of a professional security guard is to protect a property, such as a public building, bank, store, or museum. They’re the eyes and ears of a place, helping to enforce rules… Read more »
Why Politicians Need Reliable Security Guards for Speaking Engagements
All it takes is one crazy person to ruin a political event. Therefore, political figures need to have reliable security escorts when doing public engagements. Society has become increasingly violent, so security guards are needed now more than ever before. There are plenty of elected officials, like senators and mayors, as well as opinionated broadcasters… Read more »
Consider Hiring a Security Guard for Your Next Open House
If you visit a nursing home and chat with the residents about “the good old days,” chances are one of them will tell you, “We never locked our doors, ever.” Today, it’s a different story. We live in a world where it seems it’s getting harder and harder to trust anyone about anything. Fear and… Read more »
Is This the Future of Security Guards?
Silicon Valley is known for technological innovation. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being used to develop things that will seemingly help society be better off than it is now. For instance, did you know there are robotics companies working on robotic security guards? One company, Knightscope, makes two robots which they rent out to… Read more »
How Has Being a Security Guard Changed Over the Years?
How has being a security guard changed over the years? Well, there are more security threats than ever, and some of them require a whole new mindset, for sure. As times have changed, the security guard’s role has adjusted to be much more than just standing in a lobby saying hello to people. Have you… Read more »
Common Techniques Used By Shoplifters
Shoplifting happens more than you think. That’s why so many stores today hire security guards to stand at the door, check receipts, and deter crime with their very presence. So what are some common shoplifting techniques? If a person has a large bag– it could be a purse or a diaper bag or whatever– they… Read more »