What Are the Advantages of Branded Patrol Security Services?

Security guard talking on radio in her patrol car What are some benefits of hiring branded patrol security services? A branded company is quite visible to all– people who aren’t doing anything wrong as well as those who might want to cause trouble. Branded or marked vehicles make their presence known wherever they’re on patrol.


When you want maximum visibility, hire a branded patrol security service. Because of their logo, uniform and/or graphics on vehicles, they are easily distinguishable from a distance making them quite effective. In other words, they get noticed! This branding ultimately helps deter crime because would-be criminals know they’re being watched. Furthermore, should there be an accident or situation, when you’ve got branded security, they’re easy to spot so they serve as a warning for traffic to slow down and let people know “be careful around us.”

Affordable Security

By hiring a branded patrol security service, you’re choosing an affordable way to keep people and property secure. Meanwhile, when people see the branded security, they recognize their authority and professionalism so they’re on their best behavior– they don’t want to get in trouble for anything. Of course there are criminals who want to do wrong, but when they see branded security, they think twice– maybe they could get away with their crime elsewhere– but not if security is in the area.


Branded patrols can watch over residential neighborhoods, commercial properties (including parking lots) and general events where people gather and the possible need for crowd control or conflict management could arise.

In Western and Central New York (Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, etc.) if you’re looking for branded patrol security services, call C.O.P. Security at 585-750-5608 or email rbarton@copsecuritycorp.com C.O.P. Security is customer focused and cares very much about client satisfaction.

What is a Commercial Security Audit?

Male security guard using portable radio on a commercial setting Do you work in a commercial setting where business is conducted? Commercial properties are prone to things like thefts, vandalism and crime. When’s the last time you did a security audit? A professional (or team of professionals) can assess how your current security measures are doing, and whether any changes need to be made in order to improve how safe you and your property are in case of an emergency or criminal problem.

Commercial Properties May Have Vulnerabilities

Your commercial property might currently have vulnerabilities that make it prone to criminals stealing from you! For instance, you might have a broken fence in the back parking lot that lets people in after hours even though you don’t want anyone getting in “overnight.” Or maybe you don’t have any lights outside and there are giant bushes or trees next to your building where thieves could easily hide and, worse, break-in through a door or window with no one seeing them.

While it’s great to have actual human guards patrol your property and look for potential threats, don’t forget there are “little” things that can be addressed in order to make your workplace safer. That’s what a security audit helps figure out– things like how money is handled in the building, how hallways are lit or not lit, do all the door locks work or not, is technology out-of-date or not even functioning…

Ideally you want to protect things (like computer data, equipment) as well as people (like workers and visitors) at your commercial property. A professional security audit involves experts identifying risks, assessing them and then coming up with solutions. Maybe current practices and policies could use some changes or updates, right? An audit can help give your business a third-party objective “eye” to see what’s going on.

Don’t be caught off guard only to find out you had gaps in protection. A security audit can give you peace of mind and help prevent future crime. Get rid of weaknesses in the system before damages are done.

If you’re concerned you don’t have enough of a security presence on your commercial property in the Rochester area, learn how COP Security can help.

Benefits of Having Armed Security at Your Business

A security officer carries a gun on his beltThe question of whether or not to hire security is something that many business owners have to consider. For those that decide they will, there is another question to ponder: should the guards be armed?

This is not necessary for every business, but it definitely has its perks in certain situations. Here are some of the benefits of hiring armed security for your business:

Deter Issues

You hired security for your business to deal with a handful of potential issues. You want to avoid theft and robberies, but also fights and rowdy customers. Yes, security can deal with all those problems, but wouldn’t it be better if they never happened in the first place? Armed security will deter people from creating a problem in the first place. They’re far less likely to steal or vandalize your business when they see an armed guard.


A person can’t just buy a gun and become and armed security guard. When you hire from a security firm, you can rest assured knowing that any armed guard has been through extensive training. They’ll be licensed and know exactly how to handle a weapon. They’ll also have to pass a background check so you will have peace of mind knowing that they’ll be a trustworthy and competent person.

Protect Your Valuables

Nearly every business deals with theft at some level, but some businesses carry more valuable items than others. Thus, they’re more likely to deal with heists and robberies. Businesses such as banks, jewelry stores and galleries wisely tend to hire armed security because they’re so likely to deal with armed robberies. In these cases, armed security guards can stop and detain the culprits until law enforcement arrives.

If you’re looking to hire armed guards to keep your business safe, C.O.P Security can help you. Our team is made up of many former members of law enforcement, veterans of the military and other highly-trained professionals. Call us at 585-750-5608 to learn more today!

Why Schools Should Hire Professional Security Guards for Sporting Events

Close up of an American football with high school players warming up in the backgroundSporting events are one of the most awaited moments in a school’s calendar. The thrill of the game, the roar of the crowd, and the camaraderie that fills the air creates a unique experience. However, ensuring the safety of everyone present becomes of paramount importance. With increasing security concerns in today’s world, it’s essential to have professionally trained security guards overseeing such events.

Security Guards for School Sporting Events in Rochester, NY

It’s not just about a show of force or flexing muscle. Having a trained security guard at your sporting event signifies the commitment of the institution towards the well-being of its students, staff, and visitors. In our current age, where unexpected incidents can happen anytime, being proactive in matters of safety is non-negotiable. These are some of the benefits of having a security presence:

  1. Visible Deterrence: Just the mere presence of a security guard can deter potential mischief-makers. People are less likely to take a chance when they know they’re being watched.
  2. Swift Response: In the unlikely event of an emergency or a security breach, a professional guard can respond immediately, ensuring minimal harm and controlling the situation.
  3. Expertise in Crisis Handling: Guards trained for various scenarios. Be it a physical altercation, a lost child, or even a medical emergency, their training ensures they handle the situation calmly and effectively.

How C.O.P. Security Stands Out

There are security companies, and then there’s C.O.P. Security. Whether you need unarmed guards who are trained to de-escalate situations without force or armed guards with extensive experience, we have you covered. Having trained personnel who patrol, whether on foot or in vehicles, ensures complete coverage of your event. Plus, our experience in camera surveillance offers an added layer of security, keeping an eye on areas that might not be immediately visible.

Sporting events should be about fun, excitement, and making memories. Let’s ensure they remain that way. By ensuring top-notch security, you not only protect the attendees but also the reputation of your institution. To learn more about how C.O.P. Security can help, contact us today.

Why Your Business Needs a Video Surveillance System

A man installs a security cameraIf you own and operate a small business, chances are you’re quite busy. No matter what type of business you’re in there’s never any shortage of things to do, employees to hire and train, questions to answer, customers to attend to, innovations and new ideas to work on.

So, it’s understandable if you don’t have time to always watch over everything to ensure that employees are focused on work, no customers are stealing anything, and everything is functioning as it should. Instead of trying to be an all-seeing eye, consider investing in a camera surveillance system for your business. It really doesn’t matter what type of product or service you offer; a camera surveillance system can make your company function at a higher level and take some stress off you.

The Benefits of Surveillance

There are quite a few benefits to setting up a surveillance system in your business, especially if you make it known that there are cameras on the premises. Knowledge of cameras has been shown to scare away potential thefts. Everyone from the pettiest of shoplifters to armed felons are statistically less likely to target your business. Catching someone on camera also increases the likelihood they are apprehended by law enforcement and any stolen goods are returned. Of course, this all also applies to theft perpetrated by employees, which is unfortunately a problem that many businesses deal with.

Employees will also be aware of the camera and will adjust their behavior accordingly. There will likely be fewer disruptions and less slacking off. They’ll be far less inclined to do anything untoward with the product as well. For example, restaurant employees aren’t going to spit in food when they know they’re being watched. Overall, they’ll behave and work as though they are being watched by their boss at all times. Because, in a way, they are.

The Convenience of Technology

Gone are the days of a couple expensive cameras submitting a grainy feed to a small TV in some backroom. There have been improvements in nearly every facet of the process. Modern cameras are able to see more clearly and at greater distances. Advanced searching technology allows you to quickly pinpoint moments in time that you’re interested in checking. They are easy to install and are versatile enough to work in whatever space you need them.

Plus, these systems can be synced with your building security or alarm system to allow you to see what’s going on when the alarm is going off. They can be connected directly to your smart phone as well so you can check them remotely and keep an eye on your business from halfway across the world.

Monitoring the System

Once you’ve decided to invest in a camera surveillance system and it’s installed and in good working order, you’re going to need someone to monitor the system throughout the day and perhaps also the night, depending on your business.

That’s where we come in. At Cop Security Inc, we are capable of being trained on any existing or new security system. Our security professionals are well-trained and capable of quickly adapting to your business’s unique needs. We’re the final step in ensuring a functional surveillance system for your business.

Call us at 585-750-5608 to discuss your security needs today.

Benefits of Having Security at Your Outdoor Event

Security checks tickets outside a wine festivalWe’re in the midst of the most popular time of the year for outdoor events. It feels like each summer here in Western New York, there’s a multitude of events each weekend. Lawn fetes, carnivals, beer tents, festivals, block parties and more dominate the calendar from May through August.

If you’re planning on holding one of these events, it’s wise to hire a professional security detail to ensure everything runs smoothly. Here are some benefits to doing so:


Security can come in very handy when it comes to letting in those who belong at your event and keeping out those who don’t. This is especially important if your event requires a ticket, fee or some type of requirement just to enter. Even if an event is free to enter, security can help ensure that people do not enter areas they don’t belong, such as children trying to get into alcohol or gambling areas.

Peace of Mind/Deterrent

Having a noticeable security presence at your outdoor event will have a few effects. Some will feel more safe, knowing professionals are around to handle any issues that may arise, and thus are more likely to attend or stay longer. Others who may have been inclined to cause some sort of trouble, may now feel as though it’s not worth it as they’re more likely to be stopped. Studies have shown that people are less likely to commit crimes when security guards are present. And when issues like theft do pop up, they’re far more likely to be stymied.

The Alcohol Factor

Many summer events feature a beer tent or some equivalent way for adults to enjoy alcoholic beverages. There’s nothing wrong with people of the appropriate age enjoying some drinks with friends. However, a few people tend to ruin the fun for everyone with arguments, fights and generally disruptive conduct. A professional security guard will be able to diffuse situations like this and remove the offending party from the event.

If you’re looking to hire private security for your event and don’t know where to start, C.O.P. Professional Security Inc. can help. Our security experts are trained to resolve conflicts and target problems before they start while also making guest feel at ease. Call 585-750-5608 for more information.

How Security Guards Can Help in Residential Areas

Residential security guard walking around neighborhood homes One of the reasons people move to certain areas is because they feel safe (or safer) there. And in order to maintain a safe neighborhood, sometimes area residents will form a “neighborhood watch” block club to keep tabs on who is in the neighborhood and whether or not anything unusual or bad might be happening to one of the houses “down the street” or “next door.” That’s a good thing, especially in the weird times we’re living in.

Guards Make Neighborhoods Safer

If and when neighbors aren’t home enough to keep tabs on their neighborhood, or they don’t have the time or skills to do so, then it’s a good idea to hire security guards to patrol and watch over specific areas of a residential community. For instance, many gated communities will utilize security guards, especially at the front gate where everyone coming and going is monitored and accounted for– that way, it’s known who is there and who is not!

Apartment and condo complexes, as well as neighborhoods with HOAs, often have to deal with security issues like burglaries, break-ins, loitering, loud party noises and vandalism. While alarm systems and electronic gates can help, it’s even better to have human security guards patrolling the halls or streets, seeing what’s going on, especially at night. It’s better to have a security guard deal with problems than to expect a resident to tackle difficult situations.

Oftentimes, a security guard’s main functions in a residential area includes access control and gate security as well as foot or road patrols, and, if needed, providing a quick response to emergencies. When someone’s safety is at risk, for whatever reason, isn’t it reassuring to know there’s a security guard nearby? Definitely!

C.O.P. Security Inc. serves Western and Central New York. If you’d like to find out more information about hiring security guards for residential areas, please call C.O.P. Security at 585-750-5608.

Businesses Need More Than Just “Hardware Security”

cropped view of security guard using metal detectorMany businesses use hardware, like metal detectors, locks and cameras, for security purposes. That said, businesses need more than just hardware security options. It’s best to hire and utilize professional, trained security guards who can provide an active response to any issues at any given time.

Active Security is Key

Having human security guards means you can better protect your building and all that’s in and around it. Security guards act as real-time eyes and ears as they patrol the grounds and notice anything unusual or out of the ordinary happening– they’re often able to prevent crimes from occurring just by being vigilant and/or vocal.

Passive security is good, but active security is better. Machines can do a lot to help protect a business from harm, but human security guards are able to adapt to situations quickly, make informed decisions and take initiative as well. If they see a threat, security guards can investigate and respond to that threat like no machine can. A camera can’t escort someone out of a building but a person can.

Guards Deter Criminals

Keep in mind that criminals don’t want to deal with human security guards. Thus, having security guards on the premises acts as a deterrent to potential break-ins and thefts.

Whether you need a security guard to patrol the grounds or perhaps act as a bodyguard, these days it just makes sense to invest in people who can be there for you, truly protecting you and your assets when needed. Sure, hardware security is helpful, but there’s nothing quite like professional human security guards to make sure your business is protected from all sorts of bad situations.

In Western and Central New York, when you’re looking to hire security guards, call C.O.P. Security at 585-750-5608. You can also email rbarton@copsecuritycorp.com. C.O.P. Security generally covers Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and surrounding communities.

What Can We Learn From Recent School Shootings?

Male security guard talking into radio outside of a school It’s a difficult question, but one that should be asked: What can we learn from school shootings?

Sadly, school shootings have seemingly become an annual event here in the United States. Scarily, those are just the tragedies that do happen; who knows how many close calls we have that we don’t count but were prevented thanks to the brave work of teachers, counselors, security personnel, resource officers and even fellow students.

It’s become a huge, hot button issue in the United States as we figure out how to solve the crisis. As such, in order to better our future, it’s important we learn from the past. With that in mind, what are some things that we as a society can learn from previous school shootings?

Domino Effect

For starters, people always watch what other people do. When one school shooting happens somewhere you can almost expect another to happen elsewhere because someone somewhere heard about it on the news and were, sadly, encouraged to do such a heinous thing as well. Though most people are good, God-fearing people who have no interest in shooting up a school, there are bad, evil people out there who have lost their empathy for humanity and have an ax to grind. They take out their anger and frustration by using a gun to shoot innocent kids. Is this horrible? Definitely. Is it quite the sad reality of the world we live in today? Yes.

Hope For the Best, Prepare for the Worse

Most educators think– and hope– that shootings won’t happen at their school. And they’re probably right, because statistically, school shootings are not a common, everyday occurrence around the country. That said, educators need to be watchful and prepared “just in case.” Every school, no matter how big or small, needs to think about school safety procedures. Sadly, every school in the U.S.A. needs to plan for a potential school shooting situation “just in case.”

Prepare the Educators and Facilities

drug and gun free school zone sign at a school yard. From door locks to video surveillance systems, most schools have taken measures to help deal with school shootings. But what about an actual shooting taking place? Will door locks and videos fix the problem? Probably not.

Hire a Security Presence

Besides educating educators about protecting themselves and their students if/when a shooter enters the building, it’s also a good idea to hire security guards to patrol the premises and be there– at the school– should a shooter make their presence known.

Would you rather find out your kids were shot and killed at school or that a shooter came there but was apprehended by a trained security guard, protecting the innocent from harm? Not only are security guards trained for the moment, but they also use their experience and knowledge to prevent terrible situations from escalating.

In Western and Central NY, you can hire C.O.P. Security Inc. of Spencerport, NY, to watch over your school; Please call 585-750-5608 for more info.

Should Nightclubs Have Private Security?

Male Security Officer Standing In Night Club

When you think of nightclubs, and getting into them, you usually think of bouncers. They’re usually the big guys out front who determine whether or not people get into the club, and if someone is causing trouble, they’ll literally toss them out to the curb– bounce them out of the club!

Bouncers definitely serve an important role at many nightclubs, but then there’s this question to consider: should nightclubs have private security? The answer is yes.

Why Nightclubs Should Have a Security Presence

Nightclubs are known for crowds and intoxicated people. There can be physical and verbal altercations, as well as shootings and thefts, among other problems. Therefore, it makes sense to hire and utilize private security to help manage any and all problems that come with a night at a club.

The majority of people attending nightclubs don’t cause any trouble, but then there are a few “bad apples” who do. Security guards should be physically present at nightclubs to provide a sense of safety and security to patrons and staffers.

Security guards can help manage access to the premises of a nightclub, as well as managing capacity such that the venue doesn’t exceed capacity and face fines or worse. Guards can also check IDs to make sure people are “of age” to be there.

Nightclubs do need rules, and those rules need to be enforced. Security guards help enforce the nightclub’s rules. If dangerous situations arise, guards can handle them, hopefully in a peaceful and effective manner. If law enforcement needs to be called in, guards will be the first people they’ll communicate with, in order to assess the situation.

Do you own or manage a nightclub in Upstate New York, specifically Rochester or Buffalo or somewhere in between? If you’d like more information about hiring security guards for your nightclub, please call C.O.P. Security at 585-750-5608 or email rbarton@copsecuritycorp.com.